- Platinum Sponsor - P150,000
- Prominent logo placement on event banners, posters, and marketing materials
- Recognition as the Platinum Sponsor in all event communications and press releases
- Exclusive acknowledgment during the opening and closing ceremonies
- Opportunity to provide a 10-minute presentation or product showcase during the event
- Four complimentary VIP passes for company representatives
- Company logo displayed prominently on the event website and social media platforms
- Recognition in the event program as the Platinum Sponsor
- Gold Sponsor - P100,000
- Logo placement on event banners, posters, and marketing materials
- Recognition as a Gold Sponsor in all event communications and press releases
- Acknowledgment during the opening and closing ceremonies
- Opportunity to provide a 5-minute presentation or product showcase during the event
- Three complimentary VIP passes for company representatives
- Company logo displayed on the event website and social media platforms
- Recognition in the event program as a Gold Sponsor
- Silver Sponsor - P50,000
- Logo placement on event banners, posters, and marketing materials
- Recognition as a Silver Sponsor in all event communications and press releases
- Acknowledgment during the opening and closing ceremonies
- Two complimentary VIP passes for company representatives
- Company logo displayed on the event website and social media platforms
- Recognition in the event program as a Silver Sponsor